Thursday, December 28, 2006

The aftermath

The trip back home was uneventful and I thank my good fortune for that. After the eventful (??) trip to the US, this felt was a lot better.
The next few days went off in readjusting to the new timings, drat, I feel damn sleepy in the afternoons! Now I really don't know if its because of the dull training that I am attending or if it is because of the body clock not getting acquainted with Indian timings. Anyways, the trainer knows that I sleep and I know (obviously) so it turns out to be a pretty decent unsaid understanding.
The next big thing is the new year. All my roomies will be going to the place where we studied and will be having fun there and I will be all alone here in the house without any plans. Such situations can be dangerous but then after staying alone in the US for 2 weeks, this does not seem to be an insurmountable ordeal. Anyways, I think that I can do all the things that I did not do till now because of lack of time.
Other than that, there is the GmAT preparation which was the basic reason for me not going with the junta to the college. So I think that I would be pretty busy these days. (touchwood) The work scene is pretty sad now a days, theoritically, I'm supposed to be working in 2 projects and should be super busy, but then there are problems in both the places because of which I haven't been able to start off the tasks in full steam. And anyways, it seems that I have lost the zeal to work, actually to do anything atall. I really don't know the exact reason, but its there in the background all the time. I have a theory which goes like this - I have not been able to do anything because I'm supposed to be preparing for the GMAT exams which I will postpone to sometime at the end of Feb, and hence have not been able to enjoy things atall. It has just curbed my entire routine. So I'm hoping that the new year's March should be a good month when I start taking things lightly (not that I'm not doing that now) and start doing interesting things again. Amen to the very thought. :)

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