Thursday, November 18, 2004


For all those who think that this is some new compound that has been discovered by some obscure professor with thick soda glasses and wierd, white, unkept hair and who suspiciously resembles someone whom we all know as einstein, whose sole purpose in life is to discover some cryptic compounds in some outlandish part of some laboratory whose sole purpose is to increase the weight of some chemistry books, then he's wrong. This is a abbreviation for 'The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy'. Today, when i didnt have anything to do that remotely involved utilizing my brains,(not that i use my brain that much...after all conservation of natural resources is an international concern now a days) i set on a quest to google out if there are any sites that are interesting and related to the topic mentioned above,and voila, i got an official H2G2 site that has been hosted by BBC itself. For the people who are interested, the site's name is

And it has got quite a few interesting links to other cartoon characters like calvin and hobbes etc etc.

So i would recommend all the guys who like a bit of fun in their rather boring lives to visit the site. Or else who knows maybe tomorrow the earth may be demolished by some Volgon space ship so that some inter-galactic subway can be constructed, so I would suggest you all to check it ASAP.


Rohan said...

Next time, why not blog about something called "Sid's Girlfriend, about whom he hasnt told his roommates" ?


Rajesh said...

latku doing what u do best, pretty random, a lot of latkufying and going a long way to say nothing. way to go, i am proud of u!