Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Random thoughts

i really dont no what to write...actually its not a problem atall...afterall since the topic is random thoughts one can write anything that one can think the moment the main thing that is in my head is that when will i go back home and have a nice sleep...but it seems that its not going to happen in another 1 hr atleast...
ever wondered why is sleep so important???actually ive got a comfession to make here...i was and still am one of those guys who treasure their sleep hours...i can never say no to sleep...and even after i have a nice 8 hrs snooze i still feel sleepy...and it actually reflects in my face...and then again after lunch that same thing happens again...but then if ure doing something very interesting then mebb u tend to forget abt sleep what i feel about sleep is that its all psychological to some extent...if u stop thinking about it then u wont feel all that sleepy...
chalo guys i have rambled enough..i just hope that i dont think about sleep..oops...i just did it!!!zzzzzzzzzzzz...


Rohan said...

What mote! Just stopped with one comment?

Anyways, for the benefit of people, let me point out that this person SIDVISH hardly sleeps. He works like a dog, in his company. I guess thats why he dozes off at work. Well, if his manager is listening.... C'Mon, leave him. Give him a life!

sidvish said...

hmmm...well if u consider the amt of time spent in the office ya it would definately seems that i am slogging my ass out...but then if u really look at the amount of the work thats getting done...i dont think that i am not doing more work that any normal i really dont no if am hardworking or not...
enuf of this job thing...lets talk abt something else like...oke i got a nice u really no what kind of a person r u???are u what u think u re or r u what others think that ure...and really has anyone tried dissecting each and every thing he';s done?and have u been able to find satisfactory answers to all those things??i havent...i still dont no what kinda person i am...the general idea is fine but once u go into the details it all becomes a bit hazy...there are numerous occations in which i did something that was out of ordinary, i.e not right according to my character...
so then i start wondering if there are more people like me who are confused as to who they really are?i really think that none no who they really are...they form a kinda openion abt themselves and enact their role thorugh out their life...sounds scary eh???

Unknown said...

well i can second that sid LOVES 2 sleep...he does not have too fond memories of one time when he had fallen asleep and we laughed at the poor guy's expense....remember sid??

sidvish said...

dont remind me of the sandwiches...just thinking abt them gives me creeps...i was just trying the "psyche ur opponents" funda that i learned from u...seems that i have to learn the tricks of the trade properly...